How to Start Exercising

Congratulations on Making the First Step!

So, you decided to start exercising. Great! You have made the first step to a healthier lifestyle. Now before you start pushing yourself over the limit and buying overpriced exercise products, you need to start off with the basics.

Get your Mind Straight
Before you go any further with your lifestyle, you need to make sure this is what you want. I know some of you are saying "Of course this is what I want!", but you have to really convince yourself that this is the lifestyle you want. A lot of people fail to get themselves healthy because they are simply not committed. Don't treat your feelings as a phase - commit yourself, and only then will you succeed.

Plan a Schedule
If you're like a lot of other hard workers, exercising may be a bit of a stretch for you because of your hectic schedule. This is why the best thing to do next is to find a time in your schedule where you can exercise. Almost anytime is a great time to exercise (except before you go to bed). The best time, however, is in the morning. If you can fit an hour into your routine dedicated to just exercising, you'll be in a great mood for the rest of the day. Don't have the time? Wake up earlier!

Don't Expect Overnight Results
You will not lose weight overnight. On average it takes about a Week to lose one pound of fat, so don't feel discouraged!

Know your limits
When I started exercising, I could barely survive a ten minute workout without huffing and puffing. I was upset with myself, but I managed to get through it, and now I can survive an hour working out without a problem! You will experience the same things for yourself. It will be hard in the beginning, but you will improve. Trust me.

It is very important that in the beginning you are very careful with your body. Start off slow. If you don't , you're going to injure yourself like I have done countless times. Start by marching yourself in front of the TV for 5 minutes if you have to, then every day advance another minute. When I first committed myself to exercise, I dedicated my first thirty minutes in the morning to watching the news while vigorously marching in front of the TV. It may seem silly at first, but it DOES work.

Keep Track of your Workouts
In my bedroom I have a whiteboard calendar that helps me keep track of how I work out. On each day I write something similar to this:

Walk - 1hr, 5 miles
Crunch - 50
Pushup - 10
Zumba - 20min

By keeping track of your exercises, it allows you to improve. Did you walk 20 minutes last week? Try for 25 minutes this week. Haven't done Crunches for a while? Fit 20 of them tomorrow morning.

Join an Online Community!
Sometimes committing to yourself is not enough. At least that was the case for me. I found IMMENSE support at Weight Loss Fitness. I highly recommend visiting that site if you want friendly people to help you, including finding some motivation!

Remember: Exercising is GOOD for you. Don't give up no matter how rocky the road gets. Good luck!